For Relatives

If we are related please reply to this post and I will get back with you.

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10 thoughts on “For Relatives

  1. Hi, my name is Brooke Smith. I stumbled upon your blog by accident while looking up information on my family tree. We are second cousins once removed, related through Roy Dean Eichler. He was my great grandfather, but my family descends from one of his other wives, Leah May Sadler. Their daughter, Gail, was my grandma, and my mom’s mother.

    I live in Holland, too, and my mom, my brother, and some of my cousins that you would also be related to are in the Holland and Hamilton area as well.


    • Hello Brooke!
      Thank you so much for commenting! I’d love to ask you and your mom a couple questions about Roy and JC, my great grandpa. My grandma, JC’s daughter also lives in the Holland area.


  2. My name is David Nyron Jenkins and James Hardie Jenkins was my great great grandfather. His son Charles Jenkins was the father of my great Grand Father James Hardy Jenkins. Nyron Derwood Jenkins is my Grandfather and Nyron Dale Jenkins is my father. This page is great!


  3. Hello, I just stumbled on this site through searching my family tree on find-a-grave. My great grandmother was Dorothy May Jenkins. I have questions about her mother and sister Elizabeth! You filled in a lot of gaps in my research. Thank you!!


  4. Hi! We chatted a couple of days so. I just wondered if there are any other Swift relatives on here that maybe would be interested in exchanging information and/or pictures?

    My Grandma was Katherine E. (Swift) Rinehart, Dau. of Pearl and Josephine (Paul) Swift.


      • My Grandmother was Mary Swift, Coder, Whaley. I don’t remember her remarring but I did have an aunt that married a Paul. I’m not as good as Macy is at this, I am going by memory…


  5. I am trying to find out the reason my great grandmother Josie Voiles was committed to eastern state hospital Knoxville, TN back in 1937. She died there June 25, 1942. Her death certificate said it was from dementia and tuburculosis. We do not believe she had dementia because she was admitted at an early age. How do I find records?


  6. Hi,

    Unfortunately it’s highly unlikely that admission records don’t exist anymore. I did take a look at her death certificate and saw that she had a diagnosis of Dementia Praecox which has come to be known as Schizophrenia today. Judging by census records I would guess it developed around age 25 or so (which is common with Schizophrenia) she could have had TB before her admission (really common in coal mining communities) or contracted it in the hospital. Hope that helps!


  7. My great-great uncle, Reece (or Reas) Murphy Fox was a resident at this hospital for some time, possibly three decades.

    I have his 1948 death certificate, which his diagnosis as Dementia Praecox (schizophrenia).

    I’d love to see any other documents regarding him – should any exist – that are available.

    I also have a photo of him that may have been taken at the hospital.


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