The Murr Family Involvement in the Howard-McGhee Jones Feud.

In a historic and not fantastically well documented and overgrown cemetery on a hill over looking the Tellico River in Howard, Monroe County, Tennessee sit three modest headstones, side by side…


Anyone with family from the South will tell you, you don’t have to be a Hatfield or a McCoy to have kin involved in a feud (I’ve made a previous post about my Zachary and Evan’s ancestors on my maternal side and their feud with Champ Ferguson and his family), Southerners are known for being stubborn, and in Appalachia that strong-headedness and the sense of pride can lead to trouble.

My father’s maternal grandfather, Raymond Amos Murr lived the majority of his life where his family had been for generations; Monroe County, Tennessee. He was the son of Louis and Lillie Cardin Murr. Louis’ older brother James “Jim” David Murr was killed in the deadly and infamous Howard-McGhee-Jones Feud.


Above: Headline for an article of the happenings in Monroe, Tennessee from a Kansas City Newspaper


The Howard-McGhee-Jones Feud began sometime around early 1893, when Thomas Calloway Howard began courting Alva McGhee, the young teenage daughter of John McGhee and Sarah Harrison against the wishes of Mr.McGhee. Despite her father’s wishes, on November 9, 1893 fifteen year old Alva and nineteen year old Tom were married.

On April 9, 1898 in Citico, Monroe, Tennessee brothers Henry and Earnest Howard and Jim Murr, their friend and relative were all killed. Tom Howard was also shot and was expected to die of his injuries. The boys were all shot by Tom’s father in law John B. McGhee and his son, Joe.


Above: The Howard Family circa 1895

The relationship between Tom and his in-laws was no doubt a rocky one, and on the day of the shooting Tom’s brothers Earnest and Henry along with Murr made their way to Tom’s to warn him that McGhee was making threats to his life, passing by the McGhee homestead on their way which was a quarter mile away from the home of Tom and Alva. When the boys arrived, he reassured them that he was on good terms with his father in law and the three left the way they came. This time, when they were directly in front of the McGhee home John McGhee and Joe McGhee ran out and began firing at them using a shotgun and repeating rifle. Tom heard the shooting and ran from his home to the scene but was stopped by a rifle ball to the head and was expected to die of his injuries… but he lived. There was also an account (or maybe rumor) that Earnest had been talking to a McGhee daughter and that is what had provoked the attack. Alva testified against her brother and father at the coroner’s inquest and trial that the shooting had been without cause. Jim Murr, Earnest Howard, and Henry Howard were buried next to each other with modest headstones, Jim’s was engraved by hand. Miraculously, Tom lived.


Above: Alva McGhee Howard

The McGhee’s were caught and a trial was held. It is worth mentioning that John McGhee’s uncle was a successful railroad entrepreneur… On January 25, 1900 the Sweetwater Telephone reported that the McGhee’s had been acquitted of murdering Earnest. In January 1900, the Sweetwater reported that the trial was still the talk of Monroe County, it caused a huge stir that the only two witness’ the state had to the incident were Tom and the defendant’s daughter and sister, Alva, and at that time their accounts of the event had coincided. Alva was now, in this new trial, contradicting her husband’s statements and as a witness of the state, they were damning. It was also repoted that she was now living under her father’s roof and had filed for divorce.


Above: The Clue Hotel

In September 1900, the Sweetwater reported that the feud was rekindled in Madisonville, Monroe, Tennessee at the old wooden Clue Hotel near the courthouse. This time, the shooting claimed the life of Charles Jones (the only man there without a pistol), who died one hour later due to pistol wounds to his stomach. Charles was a justice of the peace and in town for the second trial of the McGhee’s, he was also married to John McGhee’s sister. Josh Jones and Calvin Howard received life-threatening injuries. Tom Howard once again escaped with his life, as did Moutrie Jones, Dick Denton, and Oscar Howard. Tom Howard was at the time remarried and living in Knoxville, he had made an appointment to speak to his lawyer the next morning before the trial in Madisonville. Tom changed his plans when he saw a little bulldog puppy in a basket, he decided to go down the river early, bring his mother the little dog as a gift and be at the courthouse early on trial day. When he arrived in town, Tom decided to see how the court docket was coming along, two of his relatives were accompanying him. Tom, with the puppy in its basket under his arm, came up the stairs and stepped onto the Clue hotel’s porch and there he saw the Jones’ sitting outside. Tom had apparently told Clue Hicks, owner of the Clue that he had planned to stay until he saw who the other guests were, meaning the Jones’. That started an argument and then, within seconds, the firing began. There were between 25 and 30 shots from 6 different guns, the whole time Tom kept the dog in the basket under his arm, even though he had apparently been cut by a knife at some point during the chaos. Before his death, Charles Jones gave a statement that Tom Howard had begun the shooting, but the Howards claimed that the firing began while Tom was being stabbed.

On March 20, 1902 Tom Howard was shot and killed by Josh and Moultrie Jones at the Shooting Gallery at the Southwest corner of Jackson Ave. and Gay St. in Knoxville at around 2pm. All accounts of that incident seem to claim that Howard was trying to avoid the Jones’ and not have any trouble. He had been trying to escape but had already been shot a number of times before falling over a railing, and being more vulnerable to the shots being fired, was shot several more times. Each of the Jones’ fired five shots from their .32 Smith and Wesson pistols, with six or seven hitting Tom Howard.

One article states that at the time of his death, Howard was working as a police officer. He was laid to rest in the same cemetery as his brothers. The Jones’ were eventually granted a $20,000 joint bond after the judge decided he didn’t think they were guilty and they left Knoxville to return to their homes in Madisonville. Interestingly, Alva never remarried and took the Howard surname to her grave. EDIT: Alva was remarried between the trials of her father and brother to Charles Paul Hicks, son of Alice Grubb Hicks but they divorced after the trail of her brother and the marriage was “hushed up”. Thanks to Joan Troy for this discovery and information!

28 thoughts on “The Murr Family Involvement in the Howard-McGhee Jones Feud.

  1. Actually, Alva did remarry, though the matter was hushed up. In the period between the trials of her father and brother, she married Charles Paul Hicks. They divorced after the second trial, and he left town, moved up north, remarried and died of cirrhosis of the liver. In fact he predeceased his mother, Alice Grubb Hicks. I’m proud to say that I’m the person who originally discovered the fact of this second marriage, though I think Lynn McConkey took credit. In any case, although Lawson married Tom after Alva, Alva was always treated as his widow.


    • my grandfather talked about the feud in the late 60s and said his youngest brother was there when the first shots were fired. Jerry Frank Vonore TN.


  2. Tom and Alva, a modern day Romeo and Juliet.

    I married Melissa Howard, daughter of Max Leland Howard, son of Oscar McClain Howard (1905-1991), son of Oscar Joseph Howard (1876-1948), brother of feuding Tom Howard (1878-1902). I’d like to connect with anybody who can share Howard or Fanny Laticia Hitch family photos.


      • Joan, I would love to correspond with you regarding your research on the McGhee-Howard feud. Email is my preferred method, although I’d be happy to talk by telephone as well.


        • Sure, if you’re curious. The chapter in *Valley So Wild* was a little romanticized, but correct in the basics. As someone else mentioned, a cousin (she is my cousin as well) has been pondering the idea of making a short documentary about some aspect of the feud, though I had the sense her interest was in the way the story has come down among descendants and how they treat it (and one another). If you would like to correspond, let’s please do so via email (


    • I was unaware of this site for the longest time. I don’t have photos but love the story and have done considerable research. Let me know if you’d like to correspond.


    • Hello, I just saw your comment about wishing to connect with anyone who can share information on Oscar or Fanny Hitch Howard. I am their great granddaughter and would be happy to talk with you and share what I know.


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  4. Tom Howard and Alva McGhee Howard are my great-great grandparents. Their only child, a daughter, Irene “Nene” Howard Ray was the mother of my grandfather, Barney Ray. There is a chapter in the book “Valley So Wild” about the McGhee-Howard-Jones feud. I have a picture of Tom Howard here in my room on a table. I have a cousin living in California who is actually working on making a documentary about the feud and people involved.


    • My daddy, Calvin Berry, used to tell me about this Feud. He talked a lot about Barney and Charles Ray. He thought the world of them. In fact Charles visited daddy not long before he died. It meant so much to him. As a child I remember visiting with the McGhees and Charles Ray. Lovely people. I’m so glad someone wrote all the down. If there is a documentary made would someone please let me know.


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  6. I am Doug Murr, one of four kids of Raymond Murr, the son on Louis Murr. I grew up in Harlan County Kentucky and I never heard of any of this fued.


  7. Are these the same McGhee fueding family that gave way to McGhee Tyson Airport? Anyone know? The fued started in 1893 with the name McGhee & I figured I’d learn they had money & someone in the family was indeed a railroad entrepreneur I see…ALL this huge mess leads to what Truly believe might be a very sad & tragic (even more than the deaths we read of in the long held fuedthat likely reached into 1929 Dr. Barclay Joshua Jones brutal murder & his wife’s & their 14 year old nephew that if we can possibly believe what then Knoxville poor excuses for detectives & coroner’s (with juries, what is that) tried to claim that obviously had to know of this fued but kept away from Knoxville eyes …there’s more if you look up & read. But, I believe this needs to see that James Harris the black servant of Dr. Jones blamed for the gruesome murders (all 3 skulls were bashed) & note Mrs. Jones wedding & engagement rings left on her & Dr. Jones car left & everything else in home left, missing was only Dr. Jones watch…We are to believe The Jones’ employee the black man did this to steal a watch &on Christmas Eve. only to present himself the next morning when family would have discovered the bodies & time to search for killer to be well underway presented himself at the KNOXVILLE COURTHOUSE to get MARRIED on Christmas day (no matter what day, it was the next morning after murders) without taking that wedding ring set too.) Poor Mr. Harris confessed to this mess, but if you look & find his confession, that man didn’t even know what floor of the home to say that don’t even match what Knoxvilke Sheriff Anderson claimed at all… I think we should try to find Mr. Harris’ wife he may or may not have married that day because I’ve read he did & I’ve read he was there at the courthouse to obtain marriage license, either way I only mention for the clue (ironic name for that hotel, huh?) ..that if she or actually more likely her descendants may have had the Harris name & maybe not. I think she is exactly what Knoxville’ not finest threarltened James Harris with that made that man that knew he was as good as dead anyway make this forced confession…and he & his love deserve Justice & cleared names & the guilty including the Sherriff & crew deserve their JUSTICE that swings the sweet other way…ALL of this comes together to help EVERYONE in this whole world be better in so many ways. I’m not sure if people can haunt folks after death…BUT, something has been haunting me since I first stumbled apon one simple article on this that came out of Knoxvilke that mentioned no fuef at all that should have been the obvious first suspects sought for questioning…but suppressed was ALL that info in Knox but Chattanooga sure was able to find it. I have my gifts in life, but searching this all out isn’t exactly one of those & then the things that need happen to put the eyes on this that it needs is not my best area…I need help definitely! I THINK this entire story has been somewhat suppressed here in Knoxville & what Knoxville allowed in the news perhaps withheld from others, not sure BUT, somethings (I can’t put enough “s” on that to illustrate how plural that word is) just do not add up AT ALL…And, I think this mess of evil that started over young love lead to the death of young love for two innocent people that knew nothing about any of this evil long standing fued & mess…and, I can’t stop if I somehow wanted to until this is given much better the chance it should have has the first go around for TRUE JUSTICE & I think it may even that If it does come out that it’s the same McGhee that we shout the name of to the world due to out Airport & maybe we should see to it that we change that to the James Harris Airport to teach the world a bunch of good worthy & much needed things. Please help if anyone can, excuse the typos I very likely made, I feel this so strongly in everything I am so, I can’t do this without tears. I drop a plea here because I see that Joan Troy discovered that Mrs. Alva was so remarried when most others thought not & it was hush-hush. Good job, Joan Troy for getting that edit to be. ANY OTHER JOAN TROY TYOES OUT THERE? Help out, please! If you are like me, you might be haunted too as soon as you delve just barely in. I am pretty sure I did not leave every detail I read & saw contradiction of, but, I’m sure I left enough here to get the roll ballin’ … This just aint right on so many levels & may be a curse over this whole town & others & that might be the haunting feeling. BUT, I know I sure can relate to the last tale if young love, the Harris’ love & their story…can you just imagine what those two poor souls went through thinking they were just about to start life together? My God in Heaven please help us all! One more thing, keep in mind James Harris was found at his love’s parents home where she lived & where he’d be easily found if not at his own home where he lived with the Dr. Jones’ … Because, THAT just makes MORE no sense AT ALL! HELP! If you can in ANY way! Thank you for reading. It was Christmas Eve & Day 1929 Knoxville, Tn Holston area (right near the black community right now, which is another headscratcher as to how in the world were all these Lnoxcille voices silenced so long? You know people might not have known the real killer’s names but they knew this man did not bash 3 skulls for what you’ll see vast his motives one saws because of an argument with nephew over where his toy planes were. I don’t believe the boy called him a (n) over that & if he did, I don’t believe Mr. Harris snapped like THAT over something he was very used to hearing & have happen…This stuff just don’t go this way
    BUT, I can see where they thought people would buy that story…but, I bet this black community knew & knows better…if the story even made it to them & think it had to. But, it’s ALL unheard of Knoxville just about…Do, also tell THAT to the Murr descendants that one of which commented here he’d never heard of said fued…lol! Please don’t just dismiss this all! THANKS!


    • Hi Stacy, if you’d like to correspond directly (it’s easier for me if we do) please email me at I’ve been studying the families for more than forty years. But very quickly, no the murder of Barclay J. Jones had nothing to do with the feud. The McGhee Tyson airport was named for a grandchild of Charles McClung McGhee’s, and the latter was an uncle of the Jones and McGhee factions. I’d be happy to share more.


  8. Don’t want to stir the pot too much here but my cousin, whose grandfather was Oscar Howard (only surviving Howard brother of the feud) has told me several times that Tom and Lawson were actually the two that were originally attracted to each other but Alva jumped in and orchestrated a break up of her sister, Lawson, and Tom and then began her relationship with him which eventually led to the feud. I have no evidence to back up this other than family lore. Another story that has come down is that the two brothers killed by the McGee father and brother were brought to their widowed mother’s home and laid across beds on top of her beautiful family quilts. The blood of her sons on her heirloom quilts. Unbelievably sad.


  9. Tom Howard and Alva McGhee Howard were my great grandparents. Tom Howard was Lawson McGhee’s boyfriend first and at some point Alva got his attention and he jilted Lawson and married Alva when she was 14. My grandmother was Irene Howard and she was born when Alva was only 14 or 15. After the feud and second trial of John B. McGhee and his son Joe Harrison McGhee Tom Howard and Lawson McGhee got married (since Tom and Alva had divorced between the first and second). Tom was married to Lawson when he was killed in Knoxville in 1902. My grandmother Irene and her sister Ailene were living with Tom and Lawson in Knoxville when he was killed.


  10. In the above remarks I meant to say Tom and Lawson married since he and Alva had divorced between the first and second trials of John B McGhee and his son Joe Harrison McGhee for killing the two Howard brothers and their Murr cousin.


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