Brick Walls: William G. Bender and The Klondike Gold Rush 1896-1899

While speaking to my great uncle, Jack Bender a few days ago I asked again about his grandfather, William G. Bender, of whom nearly all traces have been lost other than his marriage record, and two children’s birth records.

Jack had told me once before that William went to Alaska, but he’s in his 80’s, so I disregarded it.

This time, Jack told me that William left for Alaska to mine gold and was never seen or heard from by his family again. Seeing as I’ve looked EVERYWHERE for my 2x great grandfather, I feel compelled to look into the story. It’s the only clue I have, after all.

I am assuming he went to Alaska or Canada as part of the Klondike Gold Rush around 1896-1898. Hopefully I’ll be able to find what happened to him.

William G. Bender (born OH) married Martha Magnora “Mattie” Fast November 27, 1890 in Mercer, Ohio. They had two children Jesse Preston in 1892 (my great grandfather) and Luella in 1894 (who never married).

On the 1900 US Census Martha and the kids are listed as living with her parents and she is still listed as married. And in 1903, she remarried.

William is my most contemporary brick wall.